Homemade Sushi Rolls

Homemade sushi is surprisingly easy to make at home and requires virtually zero prep and any leftovers in the fridge make the perfect filling. It’s also incredibly healthy! It’s no wonder the Japanese have the highest life expectancy in the world - their diet is so full of nutrients!

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Olivia McFadyen
Pimp Your Water

Here’s an easy way to pimp your water and stay hydrated! Don’t forget herbal tea, sparkling water and even eating veggies that have over 90% water content like celery and cucumber, keep you hydrated!

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Olivia McFadyen
Fruit Loaf Spelt Sourdough Recipe

Here’s an easy and nourishing spelt sourdough fruit loaf, that a lot of people find much easier to digest than regular wheat and bread products! So easy you can make it at home and discover just how therapeutic it can be to make your own sourdough!

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Olivia McFadyen
My recommendations of the best water filters

Where do you start when it comes to picking the best water filter for your health and home? You need a water filter that removes common contaminants like flouride, chlorine and copper - let me help you with my top recommendations. You’ll find something that matches your health needs and budget!

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Olivia McFadyen
WATER - The most important nutrient! (Part 2)

If water is the most important nutrient for health we need to look at the quality of your drinking water. It could support health or stall your health. Here’s some truths about what’s in our tap water (including fluoride) and some ways you can reduce fluoride exposure!

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Olivia McFadyen
Anti-Parasitic Protocol for Worms

Worms - is there anything more confronting (and gross) than spotting these critters in your kids poo?! I use an integrative approach to a case of worms - I use the over the counter medicine, combantrin, and put my kiddo on a gentle antiparasitic protocol to avoid reinfection. Here’s my protocol…

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Olivia McFadyen
Cauliflower Mash Recipe

Eating 5-6 serves of veggies a day can be a challenge! Not to mention finding more ways to increase the veg and reduce/moderate the carb intake. This cauli mash is just that - low carb and nutritious, not to mention one of the healthiest comfort foods!

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Olivia McFadyen
Why You Need Zinc

Zinc is the most important trace mineral, and 75% of Australian women and 50% of Australian men have low/deficient levels. Let’s take a look at zinc-rich foods to support gut health, immunity, hormones, fertility, skin and moods!

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Olivia McFadyen
Why Probiotics Aren't The Magic Bullet

Let's talk about the overuse of antibiotics and why that disrupts your health, and let's also address why probiotics aren't the magic bullet. Prebiotics are more important than probiotics (there I said it!) Gut health, immunity and metabolic health are all directly related to your gut mircobiome.

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Olivia McFadyen
Sauerkraut Recipe

The humble cabbage, saved thousands and thousands of men from scurvy, Vitamin C deficiency, when it was fermented and taken on sea voyages! It’s still one of the cheapest gut-nourishing and immune supportive foods to have in your fridge as a staple!

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Olivia McFadyen