Bowel Nosodes

Bowel nosodes can be described as homeopathic probiotics. They can support a number of digestion, absorption and immune challenges, as well as mood swings, anxiety and depression tendencies.

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Olivia McFadyen
Resolving Eczema

You may feel you’ve tried everything when it comes to resolving eczema! Here’s my favourite natural, safe and non-invasive medicines for resolving stubborn eczema.

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Olivia McFadyen
Maybe I'm Boring.

Do you really need to do more… more supplements, more testing, more elimination diets….? Sometimes not getting in the way of the body's ability to heal is THE healing response. Doing less is THE medicine. There's a good chance the answer is less... less health 'rules', less supplements, less expectations, less on the to-do list...

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Olivia McFadyen
Sepia - A Fundamental Women's Remedy

Most women can relate to being a Sepia Woman or knowing a Sepia Woman, at some point in their life. It’s a key hormone balancing and uterine remedy. Supportive of hormone imbalances and postpartum periods. There’s often sluggish bowels, stagnant skin issues (eczema, ringworm) and general exhaustion.

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