Sperm counts have dropped by 60% in the last 50 years globally. If nothing changes, we could hit zero median sperm count by 2045. So here’s three things we can do today, to support our boys and men!
Read MoreOxytocin - a powerful homeopathic medicine for pregnancy, postpartum and attachment.
Read MoreBowel nosodes can be described as homeopathic probiotics. They can support a number of digestion, absorption and immune challenges, as well as mood swings, anxiety and depression tendencies.
Read MoreHere's three of my most commonly prescribed homeopathic medicines for perimenopause and menopause. Give hot flushes the flick. Put a stop to the unexplained weight gain. Find peace again.
Read MorePerimenopause symptoms can be debilitating and last for up to ten years before oestrogen levels finally decline. Learn about two powerful ways to naturally manage your perimenopause symptoms.
Read MoreTissue salts are a specific group of homeopathic medicines that create the building blocks for strong foundations of health. They can be used for acute ailments and first aid situations, as well as chronic issues and disease patterns.
Read MoreStreptococcinum is one of my most commonly used homeopathic nosodes for children in clinic. It is indicated for strep throat, sore throats, tonsillitis, enlarged tonsils, tics/twitches, obsessive behaviours, anger outbursts, and anxiety.
Read MoreAre you stuck in a rut or need some brekkie inspo? Here’s my hormone balancing and fertility supportive breakfast options.
Read MoreTo fast or not to fast. Should you skip breakfast every day or some days? What about going low carb or keto? There’s a lot of information (and misinformation out there). Let’s discuss it and look at the research…
Read MoreYou may feel you’ve tried everything when it comes to resolving eczema! Here’s my favourite natural, safe and non-invasive medicines for resolving stubborn eczema.
Read MoreDo you really need to do more… more supplements, more testing, more elimination diets….? Sometimes not getting in the way of the body's ability to heal is THE healing response. Doing less is THE medicine. There's a good chance the answer is less... less health 'rules', less supplements, less expectations, less on the to-do list...
Read MoreIt’s deflating and devastating when your child flat out refuses to eat the foods you lovingly make. Over time meals can feel like a battle. Here’s my top tips for a stress-free mealtimes even with fussy eaters!
Read MoreIt is possible to feel both calm and alert. It doesn’t need to be one or the other. Here’s a little more on L-theanine and how I use it in clinic for kids with ADHD and ODD, and how I use it for adults experiencing anxiety, stress and brain fog.
Read MoreMost women can relate to being a Sepia Woman or knowing a Sepia Woman, at some point in their life. It’s a key hormone balancing and uterine remedy. Supportive of hormone imbalances and postpartum periods. There’s often sluggish bowels, stagnant skin issues (eczema, ringworm) and general exhaustion.
Read MoreGet to know Aurum met - a homeopathic medicine for those that are duty-bound and have high expectations of themselves, and others. They may be predisposed to depression.
Read MoreDark chocolate, coffee and sea salt - the ultimate trio in one simple festive recipe!
Read MoreHistaminum, a natural antihistamine, that can regulate histamine (rather than suppressing it). Useful for allergy responses, hayfever, hives, sinus congestion, conjunctivitis and insect bites.
Read MoreHere’s three healthy habits that can transform your health! Hint - there’s nothing difficult or exxy about these habits. Instead they’re simple, doable and sustainable.
Read MoreArsenicum, one of the key homeopathic medicines for exhaustion, allergies and anxiety.
Read MoreNat Mur is one of the most powerful and commonly prescribed homeopathic medicines in my clinic. Here’s why…
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